Book Review: The Audacity of Hope

In Barack Obama’s early career as Senator for the State of Illinois, before any presidential bid, he released the book The Audacity of Hope. The book presents Mr Obama’s vision for the United States, his thoughts on the American dream, his personal hopes and aspirations for his country, and a loose set of thoughts of how to achieve the America which he speaks of. He discusses politics, still relevant in today’s climate and speaks of overcoming and a proud American past of ingenuity and creativity, unmatched on the world stage. However, furthermore that pasts darkness and evil and a way to right the wrongs of history. The book as a whole is a set of ideas, thoughts and stories, which combined become a greater story: that of the American dream and how to re-obtain it.
The book is written in Mr Obama’s distinguished vocabulary, being well formulated with a nuanced language making it intriguing to read. The book is composed of personal stories with conclusions and ideas. The theme of the book is reclaiming the American dream. Barack Obama has written this book in an unusual way for a politician, he talks about bi-partisanship and both democrats and republicans having a shared responsibility for America. He criticises democratic decisions that did not pan out well and praises GOP verdicts that turned out to be right. Overall, it’s a book with a refreshing outlook on politics.